There are any number of proofs of this proposition: The closer to Reality, the closer to reality.
Here’s one, recalling first that there is always a +/- to all surveys, which makes getting excited about a one- or two-point difference ridiculous:
The top group, more or less, have a better grasp of Reality, and so behave themselves more often according to reality. Where by Reality, I of course mean the Ultimate Truth. And by reality I mean the world as she is: The Way Things Are. And not the ways things as we want them to be. For the opposite of Reality, and of reality, is Fantasy and Desire.
Now a man who calls himself a Muslim does not prove he holds himself in accord with what can be considered orthodox faith. It is not Muslim orthodoxy, nor Christian, to believe you are “Something else.” These “Something else” people believe in Fantasy, not reality, in spite of their self-awarded religious label.
It’s clear, too, that the people farthest from Reality, the bottom group, are also farthest from reality, preferring much more often to embrace Fantasy. Which would be well enough, because really who cares. Except that once you embrace Fantasy, you can’t stand being reminded of reality—for reality is harsh and unforgiving. Much better to impose your beliefs on others and make them by force of law lie to you, as you lie to yourself.
Example two, from the peer-reviewed paper “Homogenous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty” by Mitchell Langbert in Academic Questions:
Now there is almost no difference between Republican and Democrat politicians. Possibly, Republicans have a greater share of politicians who want “progress”—defined as the heading toward Fantasy—to go a little slower than Democrats.
As I have said many times, when Democrats hold the majority it’s “We passed this bill without Republican support.” When Republicans hold the majority it’s “We passed this bipartisan bill.” So no matter who holds the majority, we move closer to Fantasy.
Further, everybody knows this. But since there are only two viable parties in the once United States, there is no other option for realists except to call themselves Republicans. Since that party is feckless, we don’t know how many sincere realists there are in any group which calls itself Republican.
Then, too, these are academics. Engineers arguably have the greatest contact with reality. It’s their profession! But there is a chasm, with few bridges, between engineers and academic-engineers. The latter crowd could have any number of people devoted to DIE—which, incidentally, is the fastest way to Fantasy.
This is why we see there are still more Democrats than Republicans in academic-Engineers, 1.6 times as many. Which is a lot.
A complete non-surprise is “Communications”, which is where the dumbest kids go to collect their “degree”. It follows the academics staffing the departments are not much brighter, if at all. Communications is primarily concerned with propaganda—how to generate, how to promulgate it, and the like—which makes it a natural ally of Fantasy.
Maybe the only surprise is that is the rate is only 56 times as many Democrats and Republicans, when the expected number should be infinity times as many. That is, no Republicans. But we must remember Republican means only mostly Fantasy, and not all, like Democrats.
The numbers would change from college to college, but not by much. Not enough to matter.
Now both Reality and reality are multi-dimensional. The Ultimate Reality is an infinite space, and it is likely reality is, too. We cannot represent infinite spaces visually, but we can make use of a mathematical trick called projection to create a cartoon on infinity.
You’ve seen projection, and can easily try it yourself. Draw an x-y axis, and a vector starting from the origin to anywhere you like. Then drop a straight line down from the tip of the arrow to the x-axis. There you go: a projection. You have summarized, incompletely, but not without some justice, that vector.
Let’s do the same thing with the Fantasy to Reality spectrum, collapsing it to a single dimension so we can see it.
Using my unmatched, and unmatchable, photographic skills and my award-eligible artistic talent, I have created this representation:
Sticking with our usual political metaphor, Reality is on the right, and of infinite size. Fantasy is to the left, and of finite size.
The little dots in a row have a mathematical meaning, which is distance that can be long or short but which cannot be pictured. The distance from the saints to Infinity is infinite, which the dots represent. But some groups are closer together.
Our major groupings are pictured. Saints are those closest to Reality. There are very few Saints. Dissidents, geniuses, true philosophers, holy men and the like are next.
The dots indicate another gap, after which come conservatives. Then more dots, but these are for a smaller gap, leading to normies, the great mass in the middle. Then a very large gap where we find democrats. Small d: i.e. those who believe in democracy.
Then we really start our slide toward the Abyss of Fantasy. The Outraged, lunatics, activists, the woke, anitfa, perverts, and NPR listeners form the bottom group.
Remember that this is a projection. Each of the individuals in the graph differ along many dimensions. But I think you have the idea.
Readers are welcome to enhance this magisterial Art.
Update Look what my enemies did to Infinitey. Dirty rotten….
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