Mayor Pete is throwing God in the face of VP Mike Pence. The impossibly named Buttigieg (pr. butty-gay?) says Pence should “raise his objections” about the non-reproductive sexual community “with God.”
“My [gmarriage] to Chasten has made me a better man and yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God,” said Buttigieg, a devout Episcopalian.
Buttigieg is so devout that he explains scriptural passages like Leviticus 18:22, where God-Jesus-Holy Ghost said “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination”, and what Paul said on many occasions, as “This is 2019.”
I’m kidding. He doesn’t say anything about scripture. Let’s look at his argument about being created “that way” by God.
“I can tell you, that if me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade,” he added, to a room full of loud cheers. “And that’s the thing I wish the Mike Pence’s of the world could understand, that if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”
Gays, therefore, were made by God. They therefore have no choice in their desires or their acts in accord with their nature. Homosexuality is, of course, non-procreative. Hence gays are part of the non-procreative community.
They are not the only ones. There are also lesbians, also made that way by God, says Buttigieg. Also transexuals, which are people of one biological sex who believe they are the other biological sex. They have no choice: God made them that way, too. Thus, because God made them that way, they are the opposite biological sex, even though they are their own biological sex.
There are also “bi” people, who lust after everybody. God made them too.
So much is uncontroversial. It was Buttigieg’s next argument that shocked some. His implied argument, that is.
God made gays, so God also made necrophiliacs. Necrophiliacs, at least some of them, don’t want their attraction. They do not choose them. They have them anyway. Well, of course they do. God made them that way.
Therefore, it is only right and proper that necrophiliacs act on their lusts.
If you disagree, you are not only a bigot, you are opposing God.
God made gays and necrophiliacs, so God also made pedophiles. Pedophiles, at least some of them, don’t want their attraction. They don’t choose to be they way they are. God made them that way.
Therefore, it is only right and proper that pedophiles act on their lusts.
If you disagree, and you pull back your child on the side of a pedophile, you are not only a bigot, you are opposing God.
God made gays, necrophiliacs, and pedophiles, so God also made zoophiles. Zoophiles, at least some of them, don’t want their attraction. These people avoid zoos. They have these attractions anyway: they didn’t choose them. God made them that way.
Therefore, it is only right and proper that zoophiles act on their lusts.
If you disagree, and you avoid pet stores, you are not only a bigot, you are opposing God.
God made gays, necrophiliacs, pedophiles, zoophiles, and ecosexuals (those who lust after dirt or trees), objectum sexuals (those who lust after furniture and playground rides; this is a real term), pedarests, and every other kind of lust you can think of.
God made all of these people. None of them chose to be the way they are. Therefore, it is only right and proper everybody acts on whatever lusts they have. To oppose this is to oppose God.
Make that is it only right and proper everybody acts on whatever desires they have. For, of course, lust is a desire, and God is responsible for the implantation of the desire. Who chooses a desire?
Therefore, God not only made gays, God made psychopaths, too. Psychopaths have desires, just like anybody else, desires often tied to lusts. Therefore, like gays, psychopaths have a right to act on those desires and lusts. God made them: they did not choose. Only bigots disagree.
Once you think about it, how dare we say God did not make anybody? Why should gays get special privilege in the God-made-them awards? The answer is: there is no reason. God made everybody the way they are. Everybody.
Therefore, everybody gets to act on their desires whatever those desires are. To oppose this is to oppose God.
You bigot.